4 ways artificial intelligence (ai) is making the world safer

4 ways artificial intelligence (ai) is making the world safer

4 ways artificial intelligence (ai) is making the world safer

The ethics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an ardently debated topic that has drawn its critics, as some believe that automation can eliminate human artistry from the equation in certain industries. Many jobs require a high degree of tact and accuracy, including the education industry where academic institutions have introduced the idea of automatic grading software and even virtual lecturers.

The AI technology can help companies develop security and safety solutions that can save lives, bolster your consumers’ cybersecurity needs and reduce the response time of authorities in emergencies.

Everyone from healthcare professionals to law enforcement and cybersecurity experts are reaping the benefits of smart algorithms and IoT devices that help improve their jobs, saving lives, preventing crime and protecting Internet users from malware and phishing scams.

Here are four ways AI is making the world safer:

If you work at a hospital, you can improve your patient outcome numbers with AI solutions, which are improving traditional disease treatment and prevention techniques in an emerging field known as precision medicine. The technology can take into account various factors, including genetic variability, environment and lifestyle choices.Instead of offering the same medication or treatment course for every patient with the same condition, doctors can now develop individual prevention and treatment paths based on a patient’s characteristics.

AI can also help your organization with deep learning to help doctors and hospitals better analyze data for key indicators. With AI’s automating physician inquiries and routing physicians to the proper specialist, we can make the world a healthier place where people get the treatment or medication they need without having to go to multiple specialists to determine their condition.

Law enforcement has traditionally been a human job that requires good judgment, accuracy, and creativity. AI companies can now help to make the life of authorities easier by having easier access to the information of perpetrator. They can develop smart solutions for authorities as police officers have already made arrests based on data they’ve collected from smart devices such as Fitbit.Plus, certain police vehicles are equipped with projectile GPS units that link up to a suspect’s vehicle and track their location in real time in order to reduce the risk of car chases.

AI has also been incorporated in weapons in the form of smart sensors that can tell if a weapon is un-holstered or triggered, offering precise information about the interactions that took place in an incident. Developing a predictive analytics platform for law enforcement can work as well as it can monitor offenders and their likelihood of committing future crimes.

Malware and phishing scams have always been around, but these attacks are becoming more advanced and criminals are raking in more money from these heinous crimes. With AI, you can create more advanced cyber security tools through self-learning and automation technology, designed to improve the efficacy and efficiency of a company’s IT resources.The technology can thwart threats before they spread by automatically identifying anomalies linked with malware, phishing, and other malicious content.
One of the most important use cases of technology is discovering ways it can help those with disabilities. The tools that most people with a disability of any sort use are outdated and fail to consider the necessities of the modern individual in the 21st century such as sharing on social media. There are now solutions for the disabled that are not outside the realm of possibility, including tools for the visually impaired to navigate the world through sound and get a narrative description of photos on the web.

Thankfully, AI is now helping those in need live more comfortably and helping to integrate the disabled into society with a higher success rate.