An insight into the world of automated testing

An insight into the world of automated testing

An insight into the world of automated testing

Automated testing is a trendy topic to discuss considering so much is subject to automation today that us, testers have no option but to acclimate to such an environment. Automated software system testing can be a tool used to complement manual testing. Manual testing is when you require a person to sit in front of a computer carefully executing the test steps. Automated testing means using an automation tool to run your test case suite.

The automation tool can likewise enter test data into the system under test, compare the expected and actual outcomes and generate detailed test reports. Much of this work is done automatically with practically zero mediation from the test engineer. Automation is used to add additional testing that may be too difficult to perform manually.
You automate so that your manual testing can work on high-value tasks delegating re-running other mundane tasks to automation. Picture automated testing as your personal Sherlock Holmes, smart and quick enough to solve all your problems and what Sherlock cares about is polishing his accuracy and perfecting his observation skills, which is the kind of platform automated testing provides us.

Automated testing depends on the ability to detect when the software fails programmatically. The development group tests each software product, but sometimes the delivered software may have some defects. Testers try to detect them before the software output is released, but in the case of high volume manual testing processes, the defects happen to creep in and reappear often. Consequently, automated software testing is the most effective way to improve the efficiency and coverage of the software testing company’s work.

Testing is a critical phase in the development process. It ensures that all the bugs are ironed out and that the product, software or hardware, is functioning as expected or as close to the target performance as possible. Even so, some tasks are too labor-intensive to be done manually even though they are easy enough to do. This is where automated testing comes in.

Manual testing of all workflows, all fields, all adverse scenarios is time and cost consuming.
Saves time and money by making testing more efficient
Automation increases the speed of test execution
Automation Increases test coverage since multiple testing tools can be deployed at once allowing for parallel testing of different test scenarios
Helps developers by finding bugs and errors more quickly.

Test cases that are repeatedly executed or are tedious and difficult to perform manually are usually the kind of cases that should be automated to increase the automation ROI.

What are the various steps followed during the automation process?

Test tool selection: It depends on the technology the application under test is built on.
The scope of automation: Defining the area of your application under test which will be automated.
Planning design and development: During this phase, you create an automation strategy and plan.
Test execution: Automation is finally executed in this phase
Execution report: It formulates a report to analyze the execution results to get more clarity on the whether the tests have passed or failed.

As new functionalities are added to the system under test with successive cycles, automation scripts need to be added reviewed and maintained for each release cycle. Maintenance becomes necessary to improve the efficiency of the automated scripts.

In order to get the maximum ROI out of automation, the scope of automation needs to be determined in detail before the start of the project. This ensures that the expectations from the automation are realistic and achievable. Selecting the right automation tool is crucial for your test to run smoothly rather than picking a tool based on its popularity. Choosing an appropriate framework is also vital as the framework for automation is a set of automation guidelines that help in:

Maintaining consistency of testing
Reducing the maintenance of code
Improving re-usability

In conclusion, today’s applications are complex and demand high-quality release and deployments. They require quick methods to get test results to make fair decisions for production deployment. In this fast-paced world, we need quick judgments and analysis and having a keen eye over things which would allow us to make good progress with a given task, and that is how automation testing is bringing Sherlock to life.